25 February 2017

Let Your Newspaper Bring Positive, Lasting Change

If you tell a person that their old, discarded newspaper can help turn someone's life around ... they would find it hard to believe.

Turn a life around -- sounds like an overstatement? Not when you've witnessed it first-hand. And we have -- not once -- but over and over through ACT's journey of the last five years.

Through Kaagaz Ke Pankh, a rural women livelihood initiative, ACT trains rural homemakers in the craft of upcycling. The women groups use your old newspaper to create colourful, eco-friendly utility products, jewellery and artefacts for your home and workplace.

Kusum, master trainer from Bandhwari village, Haryana

Here are a some instances of real change these spirited women have experience with your support.

-        Kusum, who could not look straight, let alone speak to us, when we first met her – has grown into a seasoned master craftsperson who now trains other women in the craft of upcycling.
-        Rajni, who would never leave her home without a male family member, now travels regularly to other cities to conduct training sessions and speak about women empowerment. If you are familiar with the general lifestyle of rural women, you will understand the magnitude of her achievement.
-        Kavita, a pre-teen when she first joined us, has started a new chapter of the programme in her husband's home in Faridabad, Haryana.
-        Pinki uses her income from Kaagaz Ke Pankh to “buy things for our children that we can’t afford to buy with my husband’s income”.
-        Santoshi, a mother of two, purchased her first mobile phone with her income.
-        Reena, a master trainer, contributed her income to the construction of a toilet in her home.

So, yes, when we tell you that your old newspaper can turn someone's life around, we mean it.
We’ve seen these women evolve and transform. We’ve seen their confidence soar, their creativity flower. We’ve seen them take charge and lead and surprise us with their zeal to learn.

Be a Part of Positive, Real Change. It’s easy.

What the world calls stale news is our primary raw material. We collect it and give it to the women groups who upcycle this waste into a resource.

So, we request you to be generous with your old newspaper, donate it for our craftswomen and support them in their endeavours.

To donate your old newspaper, please call/whatsapp us at +91 9711540102, or,
email us at actioncenterfortransformation1@gmail.com.

Stay blessed.